May 22, 2023

divago, de novo

Olhos desfocados, carrossel de ideias, cabeça e corpo não param

Me abraço no fundo, me calo em silêncio e meus pensamentos disparam

Antigos assombros me contam histórias que eu não pedi pra contar

Eu juro, me lembro, não toca de novo canções que me façam chorar

É grande a vontade de mudar de trecho, me flagro vagando em mim

Caminho sem rumo, só encontro muros, tão altos, quem os fez assim?

Suponho que seja normal não saber muito bem por onde começar

Se rumo sentido à fina superfície, mal chego - inspiro -, começo a voltar

Nomeio barulhos, luzes que incomodam pro que dá medo camuflar

Não há papel, hora ou data errados quando a inspiração é real

Só penso, não foco, qual a minha essência? Quais cheiros me tomam afinal?

Anna-ok @ Flickr

April 29, 2020

páginas de nós a sós

percebo um tempo diferente
um que alterna relevâncias
eu tenho mudado, tenho?
sinto conforto no refletir, pondero
o pensar não tem doído (tanto)
Jen Lomonte @ flickr
o choro não tem caído (tanto)
mas quando cai, (às vezes) corre forte
proximidades distantes
sensibilidades aguçam
necessidades incomuns
e o que antes comum, hoje outra coisa
às vezes indiferente
incrédulo de vez em quando
de quando em vez, consciente
não apresso o passar dessas páginas
que falam tanto de tantos
e em mim um bom quanto

June 21, 2019

smoke-clouded heart

it feels like
climbing an endless tower
reaching up so high
body bounces
head, too
agony and excitement blended
in a smoke-clouded heart

-dubliner- @ flickr

February 01, 2019


Clare-White @ Flickr
e nessa extensa caminhada de autodescoberta
me encontro em diferentes momentos
dou passos de diferentes comprimentos
entendo o sentido de pouco
me perco tentando entender o resto
sobra muito
e o que fica é angústia amarga
e uma ponta de luz.

October 04, 2016

your silence

your silence[
my life]
empty absence[
lonely misery]
mute screaming[
timelessly waiting]
opaque feelings[
unbearable sensation]
a photo-
a text-
a call-
nothing at all.

March 06, 2016

dreaghts and thoums

japanturist @ Flickr
dreams fill me with worriness
unstoppable, crescent will
the need of forgetting
but always remembering

October 18, 2015

passa sono

e de tanto sonharem acordados, pegam no sono
e resolvem sonhar juntos o mesmo sonho
cada um fazendo parte do sonho do outro

July 21, 2015

from thoughts to words, but not quite often

apparently, everybody's minds work on such a huge flow of thoughts that hardly ever come out as words

Think to much
Say not enough
Smart decision, though

July 13, 2015

in a not so cozy bathroom

they get you by the hand and take somewhere you don't know
they, then, kill someone you know well, but apparently you don't care
you're taken to a ride, they love the way you are, they even speak your language in another planet
but you didn't have what you wanted while awake, party food and all
help yourself, fill your tray with candy and shit, people are gathered eating and having fun
the killing was fake, you're not the only taken, meet your friends again
everything seems just the way it was, they both now fight because of you, politely, though
let's hope it remains this way
just try to be you when people try you not to be
don't mess around and pay attention to small details

August 04, 2013

draft paper insistente

picture by dailyartmasomenos @ Flickr
e tudo se resume a um monte de papéis
físicos e virtuais que se acumulam
criam mofo
ficam úmidos
mas nunca vão
e ainda que fossem, ficariam
de algum jeito

July 28, 2013

uʍop ǝpısdn

picture by ~Helen Cat @ Flickr
ɯǝǝs uɐɔ
uʍop ǝpısdn

¡ʎɹɹoʍ ʇ,uop
buıןǝǝɟ sıɥʇ
oʇ sǝɯoɔ
ʎɐp ǝuo

sǝop ʇı

July 21, 2013

far from where you are

picture by Iberian Proteus @ Flickr

he looks at a sand box
and thinks about the afternoon,
that delightful afternoon he's just had
with his cute, smart, little friend

beside him lies a huge, blue box
on it a bright, white shape of a moon
and a little puddle, maybe he's been sad
his cuteness wasn't enough to help him blend

hourglass goes upside-down
two hands turning round and round
future is a mess, past is even less
than empty expectations made to depress
picture by honestjohn2008 @ Flickr

bright side is
from where you

July 14, 2013

the closeted Clifty Clofty

picture by .Peter @ Flickr

click, clack, clap, clop
goes Clifty Clofty's clock
clots, clasp, clunk, clunk
Clifty Clofty is cloyed
clat, claft, cloy, clank
a pair of clogs and clothes
table cloth, in the closet
as well as the closeted
Clifty Clofty